How UML can clearly illustrate your fucked up process
I just had to share this one, if only for the convoluted diagram which shows endpoints that actually modify other endpoints, rather than ending there, at the bottom of the diagram. From IEBlog, How IE8 Determines Document Mode:
"This post describes how IE8 determines what Document Mode such as Quirks or Standards Modes to use for rendering websites. This topic is important for site developers and consumers.Make damn sure you click through to see the 1010x1552 pixel diagram, complete with doctype chart.
It's related to the Compatibility View List that we recently updated. This list is down by over 1000 websites, from over 3100 to just over 2000, since IE8 released last March. As we work with site developers and standards bodies, we're excited to see the sites that need to be on the Compatibility View (CV) List continue to go down."