Blogger in Draft - Template Designer, customise your blog with no html!
Are you looking for a really simple way to customise your blog template, with no html whatsoever? 3 Columns, footers, double sidebars... read on!
This video says it all! Find all the details on the official 'blogger in draft' blog.
I'm afraid that if you already have customisations on your blog then you will find some parts of this are innaccesible - it will give you the option to remove any customisations, such as your link bar. My advice is to download your exsisting template (in Layout, then click html tab and save template) before you start playing around just in case you aren't happy with the new template. It seems from comments on the blog that there are a number of bugs showing up already - I'm sure these will be ironed out soon but it's worth keeping a copy of your old template safe! To access blogger in draft use this link -
I hope you have fun customising and updating your blogs.