Craft Blog UK Forum
Are you looking for a new place to promote your blog?
I have just launched a new forum on Craft Blog UK for craft bloggers to discuss and promote their craft blogs. As the community here at CBuk grows I hope that it will become an interesting place to find answers to blogging questions and promote your craft blog posts and giveaways - a way for us all to help each other get the most out of blogging.
Please take a look around the forum and join up if you would like to add to the discussions or add some topics and questions of your own. I'll be visiting regularly and so there should always be at least me on hand to help! So far I have added two areas to post topics in, an area for general chat and promotion and an area for asking for help with blogging. This forum is all about blogs so please feel free to add your links to as many posts as possible! (Links from relevant sites like this can be an excellent way of boosting your search engine rankings too!)
Hopefully we can have some interesting chats! Forums inevitably take time to develop but fingers crossed with your support it will be a success. I'll be promoting it as much as I can, it would be great if you could help by tweeting or facebooking this link -
Topics so far are -
- Introduce Yourself
- Promotion, where, when, how?
- Have you blogged today?
- Misi Mondays
- Folksy Fridays
- Blog Giveaways
- Critique my Craft Blog
So if you are looking for a new place to add your links or maybe you would like a blog critique - then please join up!