Woman And computer
Human And Computer

The Folksy Blog

News!   I have been employed to help out with the Folksy Blog so you will now be able to find even more tips on all aspects of crafting and selling handmade!

I've been selling on Folksy for nearly a year, it's a great marketplace and has a very friendly community.  I'm hoping to get the community involved in the blog alot more.

The Folksy blog will be featuring interviews, treasuries and seller tips to help members of Folksy with their shops.  I'll be planning schedules of posting and asking for input from members of Folksy.  If you aren't already a member of Folksy (as a buyer or seller) then do join up!  I'll still be posting regularly on this blog so don't worry I'm not leaving!  I'll also be choosing a seller to guest post a Folksy Friday treasury every week and including links back to their blog and shops - so if you're not sure how to write a treasury post, take a look at this tutorial.

You can follow Folksy on twitter too! I hope that you will all be able to help support the Folksy Blog by leaving comments and retweeting when @folksy posts a blog link!, I know alot of you are sellers there and this extra exposure will really help to bring the customers in!

Thanks to those of you who have already said congrats on my new job! It was announced here by Anne the community manager at Folksy :)

x Hilary
