Woman And computer
Human And Computer

Into Light tracklist

Hope 2011 is off to a good start for all the ssgs out there. Thanks to everyone who has checked the mix I made to bring in the new year. I'm pretty happy with it turned out. Some really beautiful music badly crossfaded (but the mix as a whole is pretty well constructed I think)... A few people asked for the tracklist, so here it is:

Chris - Into Light mix

FUSE - Nitedrive
From Within - Snake Charmer
Laurent Garnier - Water Planet
Sysex - At First Flight
Drexciya - Neon Falls
Model 500 - Starlight (Soultek remix)
ERP - Sensory Process
Dopplereffekt - Z-Boson
Drexciya - C to the Power of X + C to the Power of X = MM = Unknown
Cybotron - Techno City

Thanks for listening. Next week it'll be back to the professionals with a special mix from Lucy.
