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Human And Computer

Links and stuff

Windows Registry Forensics
The folks at Syngress tweeted recently that Windows Registry Forensics is due to be published this month! It's listed here on Amazon, along with editorial reviews from Troy Larson and Rob Lee. I, for one, cannot wait! Seriously.

A word about the book...if you're interested in an ebook/Kindle version, or if you have trouble getting the contents of the DVD with your ebook purchase, please contact the publisher first. Once the book has been sent in for printing, I (and authors in general) have very little to do with the book beyond marketing it in ways that the publisher doesn't.

Jesse Kornblum posted his Four Rules for Investigators recently. I would say that it was refreshing to see this, but I've gotta say, I've been saying most of the same things for some time...I think the big exception has been #2, and not because I disagree, but as a consultant, I generally assume that that's already been addressed and handled.

Jesse's other rules remind me a great deal of some of the concepts I and others have been discussing:

Rule 1 - Have a plan...that kind of sounds like "what are the goals of your investigation and how do you plan to address it with the data you have?"

Rule 2 - Have permission...definitely. Make sure the contract is signed before you forensicate.

Rule 3 - Write down what you do...Documentation! Now, I know some folks have said that they don't keep case notes, as those would be discoverable, and they don't want the defense counsel using their speculation and musings against them. Well, I'd suggest that that's not what case notes are about, or for. Case notes let you return to a case 6 months or a year later and see what you did, and even why. They also let someone else pick up where you left off, in case you get sick, or hit by a bus. What I really don't like seeing is the folks who say that they spent hours researching something that was part of a case, but they didn't document it, so they can't remember it...they then have to re-do all of that research the next time they encounter that issue. Also, consider this...one person on a team conducts research that takes 10 hrs to complete. If they don't document and share the results of the research, then the other 9 people on the team are going to spend a total of 90 hrs doing that research themselves...when the original research could have been shared via email, or in a 1/2 hr brown bag training session.

Rule 4 - Work on a copy...Always! Never work on the original data. I've had instances where immediately after I finished making copies of the images, the original media (shipped by the customer) died. Seriously. Now, imagine where I'd've been had I not followed procedure and made the copies...my boss would've said, "...that's okay, because you made copies...right?" I'm generally one of those folks who follows procedure because it's the right thing to do, and I tend not to make arbitrary judgments as to when I will or won't follow the procedure.

Jesse isn't the only one saying these things. Take a look at Sniper Forensics: Part 1 over at the SpiderLabs Anterior blog. Chris has gotten a lot of mileage out of the Sniper Forensics presentations, and what his talks amount to include putting structure around what you do, and the KISS principle. That's "keep it simple, stupid", NOT listening to Love Gun while you forensicate (although I have done that myself from time to time).

Is it StuxNet, or is it APT?
I found this DarkReading article about targeted attacks tweeted about over and over again. I do agree with the sentiment of the article, particularly as the days of joyriding on the Information Superhighway are over with, my friends. No one is really deploying SubSeven any longer, just to mess with someone and open and close their CD-Rom tray. There's an economic driver behind what's going on, and as such, steps are being taken to minimize the impact of unauthorized presence on compromised systems. One thing's for sure...it appears that these skilled, targeted attacks are going to continue to be something that we see in the news.

USB Issues and Timelines
Okay, this isn't about the USB issues you might be thinking of...instead, it's about a question I get now and again, which is, why do all of the subkeys beneath the USBStor key in the System hive all have the same LastWrite time? While I have noticed this, it hasn't been something that's pertinent to my exam, so I really haven't pursued it. I have seen where others have said that they've looked into it and found that the LastWrite time corresponded with an update.

Rather than speculating as to the cause, I thought what I'd do is recommend that folks who see this create a timeline. Use the file system metadata, LastWrite times from the keys in the System and Software hives, and Event Log data, to start. This should give you enough granularity to begin your investigation. I'd also think about adding Prefetch file metadata (if you have any Prefetch files...), as well as data from the Task Scheduler log (that is, if it says anything besides the Task Scheduler service starting...).
