Freelance writing, Discovery Girls Magazine, pays $75 - $375 per quiz or article
Discovery Girls magazine is looking for submissions of articles for girls ages 8 to 13. We are particularly in need of the following:
Articles that give girls the tools they need to be successful�not just things like study tips, but also tips that help increase their emotional intelligence and teach them how to handle difficult situations confidently/with style, to deal with others effectively, to be more poised, & more comfortable in their own skin.
Friendship articles: These are the backbone of Discovery Girls, and we are always in need of fresh, fun-to-read approaches to the same basic topics: Jealousy, being dumped by your BFF, friends turning against you, being stuck between fighting friends, making friends, �breaking up� with a friend, saving a friendship, being a better friend, poisonous friends�all of these are of great importance to our readers. We need writers who can present solid advice with a new approach, who can put a fresh spin on an old topic.
Articles that help girls persevere. We try to teach girls to be more independent and resilient, to show them that success comes when you bounce back from setbacks, and to look at those setbacks as stepping stones on the path to success rather than as failures. The challenge is to present this concept without making them feel like Mom just delivered another lecture.
Please note that our feature articles run 800-1000 words--writing needs to be tight & lively.
We are also looking for short, humorous pieces for tween girls (500 words or less), and fun quizzes that help girls discover themselves. Quizzes in formats other than �mostly a�s, mostly b�s� are preferred.
Quizzes should be 500-750 words.
Submissions may be queries or complete articles/quizzes.
Queries should include a paragraph or two describing the article plus 1-2 paragraphs of the article itself. For quizzes, submit a 2-sentence description, 1 or 2 of the questions plus one section of the answer key. Please also include previous writing clips if you have them; a resume is appreciated but not essential.
Our rates are $75 - $375 per quiz or article, depending on length, complexity, and writer's experience level.
To find out more about Discovery Girls, please visit our web site,
Apply here.