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Iraqis are worried about their money in banks and the "central" confirms that they are safe


Iraqis are worried about their money in banks and the "central" confirms that they are safe

Baghdad, The Iraqi citizens were worried about their money in banks and banks of the riots and theft that may occur due to angry demonstrations in the capital Baghdad, as he emphasized the central bank money of citizens in the safe after the adoption of strict security measures on it.

Amer said Mahmoud, a government employee, told the Kurdish news agency (Rn) that "there is a fear great I have to many of my fellow employees of a looting had been aimed at banks and state banks by the chaos that might occur in an out of thousands of demonstrators in Baghdad."

"The rumors circulating in the Iraqi street, the incidence of looting banks and new banks in the light of these demonstrations angry."

Said Ghassan Hassan, a trader who works in the field of import and export for (Rn) that "all our money we have deposited in banks for fear of operations carried out by criminal gangs are stealing and killing citizens."

Hassan added, saying, "We are between two fires but to live fire of concern and put our hands on our hearts and remain in the anticipation of what might happen from looting and pillage and either that we withdraw our money and keep them in our homes and live fire of fear of attacks by criminals and criminal gangs."

Said Hoda Khalil, working as a doctor that "a slice of doctors in most of the filing of all their resources and imports paid for in private clinics, banks, banks, fearing the wrath of criminals and thieves for the insurance."

Khalil added, "but today we face a new danger in the event of escalation of angry demonstrations and riots and violence which is spreading at a time where the thousands of unemployed in the streets of Baghdad."

And warned that "those unemployed will not hesitate in the attack on the banks and banks to obtain funds and filling their needs at a time may be delayed a government solution."

For his part, the Central Bank of Iraq to take all necessary measures to protect banks and banks and the presence of enough Iraqi forces to protect it and protect the rest of the banks of any riots may occur during the demonstrations that came out Friday, confirming that the wealth of Iraqis in the banks safe and under protection.

The appearance of Dr. Salih, adviser to the Iraqi Central Bank's (Rn) that "there is adequate security forces to protect the central bank of any riots or theft may have exposed the bank and other banks, during or after the demonstrations."

He explained that "the administrative authorities concerned have completed their arrangements and security procedures to protect the central bank and other banks of any robberies that looting may occur because of the chaos during the demonstrations."

Salih stressed that "Iraqi funds in government banks is safe."

The Baghdad Operations Command has announced late on Thursday for a ban on vehicle movement until further notice.

And launched since the morning of demonstrations in the capital Baghdad and the number of Iraqi provinces, after that there were frequent calls for social interaction across sites on the Internet and auction sites Iraq, to do a demonstration millions to improve the living conditions and service.

And the demands of the protesters focused on improving services, and increase the hours of processing power, and the delivery of the ration card on a regular basis without interruption, and to find successful solutions to eliminate unemployment, the resolution and the dismissal of some governors and local councils.
