Woman And computer
Human And Computer

Prizes for the Top Ten winners

While in the process of collecting the entries for the Top Ten Web Hacking Techniques of 2010, I�ve solicited several would be sponsors to offer prizes to the winners.

1) OWASP Conference Pass
OWASP graciously stepped up with a free conference pass (several hundred dollar value) and access to a training session (pending availability - $1,000+ value). Of course you�ll still have to pay for air and hotel, but taking a couple of hundred bucks off the top for the trip certainly helps out. There are three OWASP Global AppSec Events on the schedule for 2011 -- Dublin, Minneapolis, and Lisbon. Take your pick, they�ll all be really good!

2) Autographed Collection of Web Security Books
This year I also wanted to award something really different -- something uniquely cool. Then I thought, what about a collection of Web security books autographed by their respective authors? That'd be pretty kick ass! So I made a big list of books published in the last couple of years and asked for a signed book donation from the authors. Guess what happened!? Within 24 hours I heard back for essentially everyone saying that they�d be delighted to support (see below). Woot! These guys rock.

3) BlackHat USA 2011 Conference Pass
BlackHat, a long time Top Ten sponsor, is donating a BlackHat USA 2011 conference pass ($1,395 value)! You'll of course have to get yourself to Las Vegas and find a place to stay, but you'll get to attend one of the best conference in the industry. Not to mention that kickass parties take place all during the event and the option to attend Defcon. Way cool.

I�m waiting on some other awards to come through the pipe and figure out the best way to allocate them. Stay tuned!

Calling all security researchers! Submit your new 2010 Web Hacking Techniques

Update 01.03.2011: Voting has begun!

Update: Prize information

Each year the web security community produces a stunning amount of new hacking techniques documented in white papers, blog posts, magazine articles, mailing list emails, etc. Within the thousands of pages are the latest ways to attack websites, web browsers, web proxies, and so on. We are NOT talking about individual vulnerabilities with CVE numbers, nor any particular system compromise, but the actual new methods of Web-based attack. To keep track of all these discoveries and encourage information sharing, the Top Web Hacking Techniques acts as both a centralized knowledge base and a way to recognize researchers who contribute excellent work.

The selection process for 2010 will be a little different. Last year in 2009, where over 80 new attack techniques were recorded, the winners were selected solely by a panel of panel of distinguished security experts. This year we'd like you, the Web security community, to have the opportunity to vote for your favorite research. From the voting results the most popular 15 entries will be those judged by our panel of experts on the basis of novelty, impact, and overall pervasiveness to decide the Top Ten Web Hacking Techniques of 2010. Researchers topping the 2010 list may expect to receive praise amongst their peers as have those in past years (2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009). Right now I�m working on a really cool set of prizes for #1.

Then at IT-Defense 2011 (Feb.) it will be my great honor to introduce each of the top ten during my �Top Ten Web Hacking Techniques of the Year (2011)� presentations. Each technique will be described in technical detail for how they function, what they can do, to whom, and how best to defend against them. The audience will get an opportunity to better understand the newest Web-based attacks believed most likely to be used against us in the future.

To make all this happen we are going to need a lot of help from the community. At the bottom of this post will be the living master list of everything recorded. If anything is missing please comment containing the link to the research. Or maybe you think something should not be on the list. That's cool, but please explain why. While clearly not every technique is as powerful as another, please make every effort to include them anyway. Nothing should be considered too insignificant. Sometimes several issues can be combined for amazingly effective techniques.

Thank you!


OWASP Conference Pass

2) Autographed copies by the authors of "Hacking: The Next Generation", "Hacking Exposed Web Applications 3rd Ed", "24 Deadly Sins of Software Security", "XSS Attacks: Cross Site Scripting Exploits and Defense", "Foundations of Security", "Hacking Web Services", "Web 2.0 Security", "Web Application Obfuscation", "Seven Deadliest Web Application Attacks", "ModSecurity Handbook", "Apache Security", "The Web Application Hacker's Handbook", "SQL Injection Attacks and Defenses", "Detecting Malice", and "Web Security Testing Cookbook."

3) BlackHat USA 2011 Conference Pass

The Complete List of Attack Techniques

  1. Evercookie
  2. Hacking Auto-Complete (Safari v1, Safari v2 TabHack, Firefox, Internet Explorer)
  3. Cookie Eviction
  4. Converting unimplementable Cookie-based XSS to a persistent attack
  5. phpwn: Attack on PHP sessions and random numbers
  6. NAT Pinning: Penetrating routers and firewalls from a web page (forcing router to port forward)
  7. Mapping a web browser to GPS coordinates via router XSS + Google Location Services without prompting the user
  8. XSHM Mark 2
  9. MitM DNS Rebinding SSL/TLS Wildcards and XSS
  10. Using Cookies For Selective DoS and State Detection
  11. Quick Proxy Detection
  12. Flash Camera and Mic Remember Function and XSS
  13. Improving HTTPS Side Channel Attacks
  14. Side Channel Attacks in SSL
  15. Turning XSS into Clickjacking
  16. Bypassing CSRF protections with ClickJacking and HTTP Parameter Pollution
  17. CSS History Hack In Firefox Without JavaScript for Intranet Portscanning
  18. Popup & Focus URL Hijacking
  19. Hacking Facebook with HTML5
  20. Stealing entire Auto-Complete data in Google Chrome
  21. Chrome and Safari users open to stealth HTML5 AppCache attack
  22. DNS Rebinding on Java Applets
  23. Strokejacking
  24. The curse of inverse strokejacking
  25. Re-visiting JAVA De-serialization: It can't get any simpler than this !!
  26. Fooling B64_Encode(Payload) on WAFs and filters
  27. MySQL Stacked Queries with SQL Injection...sort of
  28. A Twitter DomXss, a wrong fix and something more
  29. Get Internal Network Information with Java Applets
  30. Java DSN Rebinding + Java Same IP Policy = The Internet Mayhem
  31. Java Applet Same IP Host Access
  32. ASP.NET 'Padding Oracle' Crypto Attack
  33. Posting raw XML cross-domain
  34. Generic cross-browser cross-domain theft
  35. One vector to rule them all
  37. Penetrating Intranets through Adobe Flex Applications
  38. No Alnum JavaScript (cheat sheet, jjencode demo)
  39. Attacking HTTPS with Cache Injection
  40. Tapjacking: owning smartphone browsers
  41. Breaking into a WPA network with a webpage
  42. XSS-Track: How to quietly track a whole website through single XSS
  43. Next Generation Clickjacking
  44. XSSing client-side dynamic HTML includes by hiding HTML inside images and more
  45. Stroke triggered XSS and StrokeJacking
  46. Internal Port Scanning via Crystal Reports
  47. Lost in Translation (ASP�s HomoXSSuality)
  48. Cross Site URL Hijacking by using Error Object in Mozilla Firefox
  49. JavaSnoop
  50. IIS5.1 Directory Authentication Bypass by using ":$I30:$Index_Allocation"
  51. Universal XSS in IE8
  52. padding oracle web attack (poet, Padbuster, demo)
  53. IIS6/ASP & file upload for fun and profit
  54. Google Chrome HTTP AUTH Dialog Spoofing through Realm Manipulation
  55. NoScript Bypass - "Reflective XSS" through Union SQL Poisoning Trick
  56. Persistent Cross Interface Attacks
  57. Port Scanning with HTML5 and JS-Recon
  58. Performing DDoS attacks with HTML5 Cross Origin Requests & WebWorkers
  59. Cracking hashes in the JavaScript cloud with Ravan
  60. Will it Blend?
  61. Stored XSS Vulnerability @ Amazon
  62. Poisoning proxy caches using Java/Flash/Web Sockets
  63. How to Conceal XSS Injection in HTML5
  64. Expanding the Attack Surface
  65. Chronofeit Phishing
  66. Non-Obvious (Crypto) Bugs by Example
  67. SQLi filter evasion cheat sheet (MySQL)
  68. Tabnabbing: A New Type of Phishing Attack
  69. UI Redressing: Attacks and Countermeasures Revisited

Recent Distractions


Under The Dome
Stephen King

I've read most of Stephen King's book, and "Under the Dome" is clearly one of his best. It's the story of a small city suddenly cut off from the rest of the world by a transparent barrier, the "Dome." On the one hand it's one of these stories that show how many things we take for granted are quite fragile achievements of civilization, like water, electricity, or food supply. On the other hand, King masterly tells how the small-town leaders abuse their power and manipulate the town folks, while ordinary people find their inner hero. Of course the book also has a significant yuck-factor, King-style. The end leaves the scientist somewhat unsatisfied as to explanation, but then King isn't known as a sci-fi author.

Ian McEwan

One long Saturday in the life of a neurosurgeon. It's an extremely well-told story with very carefully worked out and authentic characters. While there isn't actually much plot in this book, the reader gets to share the mind of the main character, his thoughts about current events, terrorism, the war in Iraq as well as aging and happiness in his own life. I found the book in parts quite annoying because of side-long detailed explanations about every move in a squash match or how to cook a bouillabaisse for dinner, but if you occasionally like to see the world through somebody else's eyes, this book is for you.

Ian McEwan

The main character of this novel is Michael Beard, a Nobelprize winner, now in his late 50s, with a long history of marriages and affairs. He doesn't see how he can make further contributions to physics, so he sets out getting famous in the flourishing business of clean energy and climate change. The story is a mixture of his private life with his attempt to leave a mark in history by not-so noble means The physics is sufficiently plausible, the author has clearly done his homework, and I found the story highly amusing and entertaining. As with "Saturday," by reading this book you'll get to see the world through somebody else's eyes. Very recommendable.

Duma Key
Stephen King

The main character of this book is Edgar who, after a work-accident that leaves him one-armed, loses also his wife and moves to Florida for a new start. There, he finds he has acquired a new talent, painting. And not only does he suddenly come to fame by his new talent, his paintings also have an eerie influence on his and other people's lives and bring him in contact with scary powers that awake from a long sleep. Together with newfound friends, Edgar sets out to battle these powers and put them back to sleep. It's a well-written story and an easy read, though there are repeated remarks about some good power watching over our heroes, so they "just know" what to do, which is never explained. The reader is left to wonder what this is all about, definitely not a feature I've encountered in earlier Stephen King novels.

Lisey's Story
Stephen King

King tell's the story of Lisey, the wife of a recently deceased famous who had, one could say, access to a parallel world. King being King, besides the writer's inspiration there's monsters and dangers lurking in that world. The story of that other world is woven together very nicely with Scott's family history and his marriage. The story is told after Scott's death, when Lisey has to deal with a mentally distorted person who is threatening her. However, the plot takes several hundred pages to actually start, and then lots of it doesn't make very much sense. Lisey is constantly following some intuitions for doing this or that which are never explained (similar to "Duma Key"), but she "just knows" it's the right thing to do. It's very unsatisfactory.

Quick Delivery: Va Bene Pasta Deli

For the longest time, our office pantry had an interesting magnetic menu on the fridge. I find it quite nifty since the restaurants are classified into cuisines, i.e. Mexican, Italian, Japanese, Filipino, American, and Chinese. Even better was the sole number that one should call in order to have something delivered: 2121212. I haven't tried Quick Delivery until recently when my bestfriend Cha


The following are Holiday Season lifestyle and dietary conditions (called dis-eases by allopathic medicine) for which I have given new names:

1) "Traveler's Acidic Consequence" is a result of the sum total consumption and behaviors of a traveler during their more unusual or some what different from normal lifestyle than when they were not traveling. A typical traveler's day will upset one's normal metabolism and alkalizing digestive habits. They eat and drink different foods at different times and different volumes than usual, which creates an over-acidic state and a need for more alkaline buffers (bicarbonates likepHour salts) leading to indigestion, nausea, acid reflux, heartburn, belching, flatulence, vomiting, constipation, dehydration and further problems of acidity, depending on the degree of irregularity. "Traveler's Acidic Consequence" is commonly blamed by allopathic medical science on a particular site on the traveler's path as if he/she caught something. This current medical ideology is based on Pasteur's illusionary germ theory and is a scientific myth. The true cause of this condition is the result of the traveler's acidic lifestyle dietary choices and the lack of alkaline hydration, nutrition and hygiene that can result in this over-acidic condition. All the above symptoms is the body in preservation mode trying its best to re-establish the alkaline pH of the internal environment at 7.365 to 7.4.

2) Holiday Season - "I Ate and Drank Too Much "S!!!"Dis-Ease" is a result of the sum total consumption and behaviors of a person during the Holiday season eating and drinking everything in site from "swine to wine." This over indulgence may cause belching and flatulence and eventual heart burn, acid reflux, nausea, constipation and even brain, breast, lung, liver and bowel parasites for which medical science will often prescribe the purple pill. This Holiday Season condition may then lead to the third Holiday Season consequence -

3) "Holiday Season Food Drunkedness" is a result of over-eating and over-drinking acidic foods and liquids and then falling into a drunken state on the sofa or bed for several hours or even days to sleep off all the excess acidity. Falling asleep after a heavy acidic Holiday meal is a common occurrence for acid over-eaters and acid drinkers.

4) "Holiday Season Influenza" (The Flu) is a result of the sum total consumption and behaviors of a person during a so-called Holiday acid feast. A person will consume acidic foods and drinks that they may not know or know that are not healthy or alkalizing, i.e., more sugar or sugar substitutes than normal, alcohol, meats (especially the tape and fluke worm favorites such as pork, beef, turkey, chicken and fish (especially raw fish) and much of this at greater volumes than normal. This person becomes detrimentally influenced physically and emotionally by Holiday acidic foods and drinks. According to medical savants, "Holiday Season Influenza" is commonly blamed on a particular virus contracted from another person(s) and not from acidic lifestyle and dietary choices of that person. Like the acidic traveler, a person chooses to consume on their own as many acidic foods and drinks during the Holiday Season and as a result are suffering from the consequences of their poor dietary acidic choices -- this condition is not from some phantom (does not exist) flu virus! The flu is nothing more than the body increasing body temperature to improve circulation to remove excess acidity through perspiration, respiration, defecation and urination.

Also, please keep in mind it doesn't take either traveling or Holidays for someone to express the symptoms of "Traveler's Acidic Consequence,"and/or "I Ate and Drank Too Much S!!! Disease," and/or "Holiday Season Food Drunk," and/or "Holiday Season Influenza." All you need to do is consume excessive amounts of acidic meats (especially pork,turkey and chicken), chocolate, ice cream, cake, alcohol or other acidic mind boggling thrillers. Any of these four non-contagious lifestyle and dietary conditions can happen anytime during the year. But,the Holiday Season seems to be the time when most people over-indulge in highly acidic lifestyles and diets!

This coming Holiday Season may you resolve not to succumb to the acidic choices that lead to "Traveler's Acidic Consequence," or "I Ate and Drank Too MuchS!!! Dis-ease," "Holiday Season Food Drunk" and/or"Holiday Season Influenza."

In love and healing alkaline light,

Dr. Robert O. Young

PS This year before sitting down to a highly acidic Holiday Season meal, watch the following youtube video. You cannot kill parasites with heat. All you can do is put them to sleep and risk them waking up inside your body. Also, watching this video might change your mind about eating that left-over Thanksgiving ham or even urine laced turkey. It is by no coincidence that turkey and chicken are referred to as "foul." Birds like turkey and chicken have no urinary tract system and are therefore more likely to adsorb their own urine into their tissues. But, that's what makes them so juicy.


PSS I hope we can all learn to take responsibility for our own lifestyle and dietary choices and the consequences we may experience rather then blaming it or transferring personal responsibility to a phantom or harmless virus - like the Swine Flu virus, Ebola virus, HIV virus, HPV virus, West Nile virus, Bird flu virus, Spanish Flu, N1H1, Turkey Flu, Pig Flu and the list goes on and on and on! So-called viruses DO NOT cause sickness or disease - our acidic lifestyle and diet choices do!

You do health by making healthy choices or you can do sickness and disease by making unhealthy lifestyle and dietary choices. Making acidic lifestyle and dietary choices the last 3 months of the year can take 10 yearsoff your life at age 40 and 20 years off your life at age 80.

You can live a healthy and fit life to 100 and beyond if you will make better alkaline lifestyle and dietary choices NOW!

PSSS To learn how to prevent (without an acidic dis-easecausing vaccine) "Holiday Season Influenza,"may I suggest watching the following DVD's or listeningto the following CD's: The pH Miracle - Full version Shopping with Shelley 1 & 2, Back to the House of Health 2, The pH Miracle for Healthy Weight Loss, The pH Miracle for Men and Women, The pH Miracle for Cancer, The Harvard Lecture, Younga Yoga Vol I and II, Cooking with Shelley and our latest book, The pH Miracle Revised and Updated.


PSSSS Check out our healthy Holiday Gift Packs and may I suggest the "Box" which includes a free 1 day Retreat at The Rancho del Sol:

www. phmiracleliving.com

Content Rating for Android Market

[This post is by Eric Chu, Android Developer Ecosystem. �Tim Bray]

Providing users with more information about applications on Android Market has been a top request from Android users. Starting in a few weeks, we will be showing content ratings for all applications on Android Market. This new capability will provide users with additional information to help them select the best applications for them.

Android Market�s content policy remains the same as before: applications will be rated according to four content rating levels: All, Pre-teen, Teen, & Mature. Details on the rating levels can be found at Android Market Help Center.

To prepare for this launch, starting next week, developers submitting new or updated applications will be required to include a rating for all applications and games uploaded onto Android Market. In addition, developers will have the next several weeks to add a rating to their existing applications and games. Once content rating is visible to users, any applications or games that do not include a rating will be treated as �Mature�.

We are working hard to rapidly deliver improvements and upgrades to Android Market. Please look for more Android Market upgrades in the coming weeks. Thanks for your continued support and please don�t hesitate to give us feedback on what else we can do to make you more successful with Android and Android Market.


Craft Blog UK wants to spread the word about Folksy and support all of the talented artists and craftsmen of the UK. If you like any of the products you see please head over to www.folksy.com and search for them - many are handmade one of a kind items so they may sell out quickly!

95% of the sale price of an item bought through Folksy goes direct to the maker and there are 80,000 products to browse through, so whatever your budget it's a great place to start your Christmas shopping.

If you like what you see please share it with your friends, there are various ways to view and share the sampler online just click to view in full screen mode. Click 'menu' to grab the code or link. You can download the pdf file and print your own high resolution copy, embed the sampler into your blog, as well as sharing through social media websites. Visit this link and look for the ways to share at the top of the page. Share the sampler online

Have a Happy Handmade Christmas!

Please feel free to copy and paste this to your own blogs!

x Hilary :)

Submit your UK Craft Blog!


Tequila Wednesdays at The Reserve Liquor Lounge

Single serving of the day!

Video above shows Cha, Kin, and I acting like kids (read: mababaw kaligayahan) and feeling so fly (like a G6) with our Jose Cuervo shot glass spinner. This was from last night's Kindred Pasana over-due birthday inuman. Buy one Free one for every bottle of Cuervo, only on Wednesdays at The Reserve!

Joey Pepperoni Pizza Pizza Promo

Next to candy, my favorite "pulutan" would be......

Pizza and Rhum, how classy

However, pizza-for-pulutan could seem pricey especially if you're in a large group. Yung tipong, pag-lapag pa lang ng box, ubos na agad? Bad vibes mehn. Might as well stick to a cheaper alternative.

makulay ang buhay with kropek

Now, if you really want to satisfy your pizza craving/desire/obsession, I

Deftones Live in Manila Ticket Prices

Deftones' website just announced that they will also visit Manila for a concert!

The event is scheduled on February 12, 2011 (yep, the day after Taylor Swift Concert. meh) and tickets will go on sale beginning December 1. I'll post the ticket prices once they are up!


I wanted to show you a post that was picked up at Handmade Marketing, something I wrote a few months ago. Please take a look and leave a comment -it's called Engage Blog readers with twitter

Hanmade marketing are always on the lookout for articles so don't be shy in submitting them. It's a great way of increasing views to your blog and it's good to have these back links for seo purposes too.  It's also full of really useful info on all aspects of selling handmade.

CBuk News - Blog Submissions

Thanks so much for all of the recent submissions, I have a backlog of about 60 to add to the directory and they all look great! I write CBuk in my spare time, I have big plans for it to one day make me a million (not sure how so any tips welcomed) but for now it remains a labour of love. With my web-design course to think of aswell I'm having to prioritise that after family and paid work!

Paid work is over at Folksy looking after the Blog and social media and recently I've taken on more work with Folksy, due to some staff changes. It's such a great (and growing) community so I leapt at the chance to get more involved, especially with the forums over there.

Submit your UK Craft Blog and sign up for the newsletter! (but be patient for it to appear - it will probably be Jan 2011!)

x H

Market Housekeeping Alert

We�ve had quite a bit of discussion in this space recently about how to make sure that your app is visible in Android Market to any device that can run it, and only to those devices. In particular, check out two recent pieces by Reto Meier, Future-Proofing Your App and The Five Steps to Future Hardware Happiness.

As Reto points out, Market used to infer some <uses-feature> settings for older apps that were uploaded before certain device features arrived. This hasn�t been the case for applications uploaded since June of this year; developers have had to be careful about <uses-feature> and its android:required attribute. From what we see, it looks like most of you have got this sorted out and things are working smoothly.

However, there are still apps that haven�t been re-uploaded since June. In preparation for introducing some new Market features (that we think you�ll like), we�re about to launch a re-scan of all those legacy apps, looking at their Android Manifests and updating Market�s database. This means that if you have an app that you haven�t updated since June, and it lacks up-to-date <uses-feature> settings, it may stop being visible on certain devices.

We think the set of apps that will have this problem will be small, if only since most successful apps are updated regularly. If you want to be sure, check Reto�s advice here under "Android Market Rule #2�.

We�ve said it before but it bears repeating: There are a lot of different sizes and shapes and flavors of Android devices in the product pipeline, and you want your app available on every one that can possibly run it. So this is an area that is going to be requiring attention from developers on a continuing basis.

Android Market Action

Almost instantly after I joined Google, it became obvious to me that the number-one area where Android developers wanted to see action and progress was in Android Market; your concerns in this area vastly outweighed whatever issues might be bothering you about the handsets and the framework and the programming tools. In recent months there has been a steady, quiet, incremental flow of improvements and upgrades. They add up. This is by way of a glance back at developments since the arrival of Froyo last summer.

First, we introduced error reporting to Market, so developers can see if their apps are locking up or crashing; and if so, exactly where.

Second, we upgraded the Market publisher site to include user comments, so you can read what people are saying about you, or at least what they�re saying in a language you understand.

Third, we added the licensing server, which, when used properly, tilts the economics of Android apps toward you, the developer, and against the pirates.

Fourth, we cranked up the number of countries people can buy and sell apps in: as of now, you can sell them in 29 countries and buy them in 32.

Fifth, we rolled in a �recent changes� feature, a place for developers to put their release notes. Android Market has a zero-friction process for app update, and the really great apps have followed the �release early, release often� philosophy. As a developer, I like having a place to write down what�s behind an app release, and as a person who downloads lots of apps, I like to know what the goodies are in each new update.

Sixth, Market now has a �draft upload� feature; this removes a lot of the tension and strain from the app-update process. Get your screenshots and feature graphics and text and APK all squared away with as much editing as you need to, then update them all with one click.

You�ll notice that I didn�t say �Sixth and last�, because this is a team on a roll and I expect lots more goodness from them; if you care about the larger Android ecosystem, or are already a developer, or are thinking of becoming one, stay tuned to this channel.

Episode 42: "Worst Person"

What, did you think the new show meant the old warhorse was getting back-burnered? HELL NO! So here, at least is "The First-Person Shooter" episode...

"The Big Picture"

And here we are. The innaugural episode is about "Halo."

Secure Me Mr Internet

During my travels of the last couple of weeks I've been pondering what the future holds for securing the end user/victim. The last couple of decades has focused upon protecting the user by getting them to protect themselves (e.g. install AV/HIDS/DLP/etc. on their own computer) - and that's obviously been failing.

The complexity of protecting these computers is well beyond the average user - so why does the industry proceed with this sham? Maybe there's an air of addiction to the legacy solution. In general though, if a security technology is dependent upon the successful operation and maintenance of the software by the end user, then it's predestined to fail.

What could a future end-user security ecosystem look like? I let my mind wonder a little and posted something up on the Damballa site... "A Future Security Ecosystem".

Cross-posting the blog below...

Earlier this week, while attending a conference in Germany, I was asked to reflect on what would be the �next big thing� for combating organized Internet crime� something that could be achievable 5 years from now. I�ve always been a proponent of doing as much as possible to remove the consumer from being responsible for securing themselves. By that, what I mean is all too often corporations assume that their primary security defense is for their own customers to be secure, and the corporation�s security is conceptually a backup defense � kind of like mopping up the exceptions. The problem here though is that consumers can�t defend themselves, and those �exceptions� are all too rapidly becoming the norm. I once wrote a paper covering the concepts of continuing to do business with malware infected customers � and much of that has been applied successfully to online banking systems. But is there something new we (as an industry) could be doing? Getting back to a 5-year framework, one future threat response ecosystem could revolve around a shared platform of �who�s infected and with what.� The concepts are rather simple. At the network layer, it is increasingly possible to identify computers that have been infected with botnet malware � particularly the criminal tools used to conduct real-time fraud on the victims� computers. What if it was possible to share that information (live) with the organization that the victim is currently trying to do online transactions with? For example, let�s say that I know that John Doe�s PC is currently infected with a Zeus malware variant under the control of the LonelySharks crime syndicate based in Chile and � in the last 10 minutes � that computer has been in contact with the command-and-control (CnC) servers the criminals are using. As John Doe opens his Web browser and connects to XYZ Bank Inc., the banks web application can query a live database of whether Joe Does computer has been noted as being infected recently. In this case, XYZ Bank Inc. finds out that the computer John is using is infected and that the criminal operators behind the malware typically conduct banking fraud. XYZ Bank Inc. can now undertake a number of additional transaction monitoring processes and change the way that new banking transactions from John Doe�s computer are handled (e.g. he�s never done an online transfer to ABC Electrical supplier before � so perhaps the bank may want to do some homework about this ABC Electrical supplier account now too). They may also want to alert John that they�re doing this and provide advice on how best to remove the threat from his own computer. The net result of all this is the fact that the business can continue to do business with their infected customer � as they know when (and how) to be more vigilant to fraud attempts. Perhaps this doesn�t sound like much of an advance � but you should try speaking with anyone in the financial services field. A little bit of alerting can go a long way in protecting the customer (and organization) from fraud � and can help close down the operations of the criminals much faster. The key to this is being able to identify which computers are infected (in real time), being able to associate the computer to a particular threat, and being able to share this information in a legal and private way. Obviously ISP�s are in a perfect position to help. They are already beginning to implement network-wide passive botnet detection systems and could (if allowed to) make the association between computer and user (or subscriber in this instance). At the moment I doubt they�d be legally allowed to share this information with anyone beyond the victim themselves. But, what if� �what if it was possible for an ISP customer to subscribe to a service where they allow the ISP to identify the threats targeted at them (and the threat that they have become victim to), and to be able to share that information with a list of authorized companies that the user does business with regularly. Assuming that the �check� done by the business is only done at the time the user�s computer is in operation, the prospect of privacy invasion is mute. The technologies to do all this largely exist today. Would the prospect of additional privacy loss (to organizations I�m already dealing with and authenticating myself to) concern me? I don�t believe so. Would I be prepared to pay for this? Sure, if the price is right� But perhaps the model could be even more beneficial for all concerned. If I�m a subscriber to this service, since it�s the banks or businesses that I�m doing transactions with that benefit the most from all this data sharing, perhaps I don�t need to pay for my subscription? Would those organizations pay my ISP to know where I�m infected (or any other of their customers at the same ISP are infected)? Hell yeah. They�re hunting for companies that can supply them with this data. So, if they�re already looking to buy this info, perhaps my ISP doesn�t need to charge me for this service (and all the other great anti-threat stuff they can do for me in the cloud) � instead they can get it directly from the businesses I regularly do online transactions with? If that�s not so palatable to the ISP�s, perhaps the organizations I do online business with will offer me discounts or better rates directly if I opt-in and allow my ISP to share the information? Would it be economically viable for my online shares trading platform provider to reduce my transaction fees a little � since they have more confidence in their fraud detection processes now they know whether my computer is tainted or not? I suspect they probably would. There is of course a long way to go � but this is one of the things I thought would be a valuable security ecosystem for combating much of the fraud now evident. And I think a 5-year goal could be achievable.
