Woman And computer
Human And Computer

Recommended reading

In no particular order:

Security expert: Microsoft should cut IE�s links to Windows:

'"If Microsoft removed IE from Windows and made it independently updatable, I think you'd get improved update performance," said Kandek.

Although pulling IE from Windows would mean that Microsoft would have to come up with a different mechanism for Windows Update � currently the service relies on IE � Kandek believes the benefit to users would be significant. "Taking IE out of the [monthly] patch cycle would give us better protection," he said.'
All Aboard the IE8 Fail Bus:
"After installing the very first IE8 beta, and having it completely hose my Vista box at work, I was a bit wary about installing the latest releases of this as-yet-unofficial web browser. When IE8 was first announced, I thought there was a lot to be excited about. Microsoft appeared to finally be taking standard�s compliance seriously. They seemed to be a lot more open to what the problems with their browser were.

However, as things have progressed, I have less and less faith in Microsoft to finally put out a reasonable browser, let alone a good one."
Is your company testing on IE8 RC1?:
"Yes, the bane of every web developer's life, Internet Explorer, is now out in lovely version 8 RC1. The trouble is, no one seems to be testing on it. Not here, not our business partners - consumer facing businesses! What is wrong here?"
IE6 : "Arriv� � un certain �tat�":
"En 2001, c'�tait peut-�tre le top du top, mais plus aujourd'hui. Internet Explorer 6 plante comme un rien, ne supporte pas la transparence des PNG, n'impl�mente pas correctement les CSS, rencontre des probl�mes absurdes avec Flash et ne propose pas de navigation par onglet. Comment faut-il le dire ? Internet Explorer 6 est compl�tement d�pass�, un point c'est tout."
10 Reasons Why NOT to Use MSIE (Internet Explorer):
"Am I a Internet Explorer hater; No, but close. Consider This: If you have ever worked on a design or a particular cool feature for your web application and all went well people loved it and even your boss loved it. All to find out the ##*@@ IE, dosen't work the way you expect. Knowing myself well I wouldn't even bother. However we live in a strange world where inspite of the best avilable browsers being free, we still use IE. I am a big fan of Firefox, yes Opera and Safari are also really great.

Now comes the tricky part I can respect anyone using anyone of the listed browser above but, Why still people use IE. It just escapes me. I request all of you to please download our fav browser and use it instead of the Stupid, Unresponsive, Technical Blunder, and Arrogant IE."
