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March 4, 2011 ~ The Francophone Bank Summit 2011 Hosted by President Sarkozy and the Union of Arab Banks ...

Summit Bank 2011
Geogre V Four Seasons Hotel, Paris - France

March 4, 2011

Under the High Patronage of Mr. Nicolas Sarkozy President of the French Republic and the Union of Arab Banks Cooperation With The International Organization of la Francophonie, French Banking Federation and World Union of Arab Bankers organize: The Francophone Summit Bank 2011.

The Francophone Summit Bank will allow members of La Francophonie to discuss their banking systems and cultures, ideas and experiences and so bring out recommendations for a better development of the banking and financial sector. It is also an opportunity for cross-border trade and market integration.

The International Organization of la Francophonie is one of the largest language areas of the world. It organizes political relations and cooperation between states and governments of the OIF, have shared use of the French language and respect for universal values.

The International Organization of la Francophonie was founded in 1970, following a meeting between President Habib Bourguiba of Tunisia, Senegal Leopol Sedar Senghor and Niger Diouri Hamani, representing Arab, Muslim and Christian French.

It has four permanent representations: in Addis Ababa at the African Union and the Economic Commission for Africa of the UN in Brussels with the European Union, in New York and Geneva, with UN; of 3 regional offices in Lome (Togo) for West Africa, in Libreville (Gabon) for Central Africa and Indian Ocean, Hanoi (Vietnam) for the Asia-Pacific , from 2 regional offices: Bucharest (Romania) for Central and Eastern Europe and in Port-au-Prince (Haiti) for the Caribbean.

With a population of over 890 million and 220 million French speakers worldwide, the International Organization of Francophonie (OIF) mission is to give substance to active solidarity among the 75 States and governments that make up (56 members and 19observers) - more than a third of UN Member States. The institutional Francophonie consists of the political decision which is the highest summit of Heads of State and Government which meets biennially, and the Secretary General of La Francophonie, the keystone of this system.

In its quest to promote active channels and banking and financial networks to help build cultural bridges between its members and the international community, the Union of Arab Banks has found it necessary to present the first summit of French banks.

This summit will allow members of La Francophonie to discuss their banking systems and cultures, ideas and experiences and so bring out recommendations for a better development of the banking and financial sector. It is also an opportunity for cross-border trade and market integration.

Discussions for this day summit will be geared towards the presentation of ideas and solutions for the emergence of Basel III, funding the development of small and medium enterprises, Islamic finance and safety nets against future economic crises (Brussels meeting), these topics added to the main theme of cooperation for the development of the banking, financial and economic cooperation among Francophone countries.

Topics: -Development of the banking and economic cooperation between Arab and French

- Basel III and new prudential rules - G20 Process
- Financing of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in developing economies in Francophone countries (experiments)
- Islamic Banks: an alternative concept for growth

Target Participants - The presidents of international economic and financial

- Governors of Central Banks
- Ministers of Economy, Trade and Finance
- Representatives of international financial and banking institutions
- Financial and Investor
-Economists and experts in the fields of banking and financial
